Cualquier oficial de policía que dispara para matar es jugar con fuego.
En esa fracción de segundo para decidir si se debe disparar y dónde apuntar, ese oficial mismo ha nombrado juez, jurado y verdugo sobre un conciudadano. Y cuando un oficial dispara un disparo mortal en conciudadano no una o dos veces, pero tres y cuatro y cinco veces, ya no es un guardián de las personas, pero está actuando como un asesino a sueldo. al hacer esto, él tiene un corto circuito de un sistema legal que fue hace mucho tiempo establecido para protegen contra este tipo de abusos por parte de agentes del gobierno.
son palabras duras, lo sé, pero los tiempos duros llamo para hablar claro.
hemos estado bailando en torno al tema de disparos de la policía durante demasiado tiempo ahora, pero estamos a punto de estrellarse de cabeza en algunos la dura realidad si no hacen algo para evitar el desastre.
En esa fracción de segundo para decidir si se debe disparar y dónde apuntar, ese oficial mismo ha nombrado juez, jurado y verdugo sobre un conciudadano. Y cuando un oficial dispara un disparo mortal en conciudadano no una o dos veces, pero tres y cuatro y cinco veces, ya no es un guardián de las personas, pero está actuando como un asesino a sueldo. al hacer esto, él tiene un corto circuito de un sistema legal que fue hace mucho tiempo establecido para protegen contra este tipo de abusos por parte de agentes del gobierno.
son palabras duras, lo sé, pero los tiempos duros llamo para hablar claro.
hemos estado bailando en torno al tema de disparos de la policía durante demasiado tiempo ahora, pero estamos a punto de estrellarse de cabeza en algunos la dura realidad si no hacen algo para evitar el desastre.
Será mejor que te prepares.
es fácil de conseguir indignado cuando la policía injustamente disparan los niños, los ancianos y los ciudadanos desarmados riego de sus jardines o que tiendan a pacientes autistas . Es más difícil para despertar la ira del público cuando la gente conseguir mataron a tiros por la policía son sospechosos de actividades delictivas o armados con pistolas y cuchillos.
Sin embargo, ambos escenarios deben ser igualmente reprobable a cualquier persona que valora la vida humana, el debido proceso y el estado de derecho.
por ejemplo, Paul O'Neal se disparó en la espalda y matado por la policía cuando huía después de que presuntamente sideswiping un coche de policía durante una persecución. El joven de 18 años de edad, era sospechoso de robar un coche.
Korryn Gaines fue muerto a tiros y su hijo de 5 años de edad, recibió un disparo por la policía después de Gaines se resistió al arresto de una orden de tráfico y supuestamente amenazó con disparar a la policía. Primero a la policía dispararon a Gaines y luego abrieron fuego cuando se reporta que disparó hacia ellos.
Loreal Tsingine fue muerto a tiros por un policía después de que ella se acercó a él sosteniendo un pequeño par de tijeras médicas. El jugador de 27 años de edad, la mujer nativa americana fue sospechoso de robo.
Ninguno de estos individuos nunca tendrá la oportunidad de ser juzgado, se ha condenado o cumplir una sentencia por sus supuestos crímenes porque un oficial a la policía una escisión ya la segunda tenía las probó, los encontraron culpables y los condenó a muerte.
por ejemplo, Paul O'Neal se disparó en la espalda y matado por la policía cuando huía después de que presuntamente sideswiping un coche de policía durante una persecución. El joven de 18 años de edad, era sospechoso de robar un coche.
Korryn Gaines fue muerto a tiros y su hijo de 5 años de edad, recibió un disparo por la policía después de Gaines se resistió al arresto de una orden de tráfico y supuestamente amenazó con disparar a la policía. Primero a la policía dispararon a Gaines y luego abrieron fuego cuando se reporta que disparó hacia ellos.
Loreal Tsingine fue muerto a tiros por un policía después de que ella se acercó a él sosteniendo un pequeño par de tijeras médicas. El jugador de 27 años de edad, la mujer nativa americana fue sospechoso de robo.
Ninguno de estos individuos nunca tendrá la oportunidad de ser juzgado, se ha condenado o cumplir una sentencia por sus supuestos crímenes porque un oficial a la policía una escisión ya la segunda tenía las probó, los encontraron culpables y los condenó a muerte.
En cada uno de estos escenarios, la policía podría haber recurrido a tácticas menos letales.
ellos podrían haber intentado de apaciguar y calmar la situación.
ellos podrían haber actuado con la razón y el cálculo en vez de reaccionar con un instinto asesino.
que la policía en su lugar eligió para resolver fatalmente estos encuentros mediante el uso de sus armas contra conciudadanos dice mucho acerca de lo que está mal con la policía en los Estados Unidos hoy en día, donde los oficiales de policía se están vestidos con la parafernalia de guerra,
perforado en el el arte mortal de combate y entrenado para mirar a "todas las personas que interactúan con como una amenaza armada y cada situación como un encuentro la fuerza letal en la fabricación ."
Contraste esos tres disparos de la policía fatales con una intervención de la policía, que tuvo lugar en mi ciudad natal de Charlottesville, Virginia.
Contraste esos tres disparos de la policía fatales con una intervención de la policía, que tuvo lugar en mi ciudad natal de Charlottesville, Virginia.
En. 1 de agosto, 2016, la policía respondió a una llamada sobre un posible secuestro de una niña de 17 años de edad. Cuando se enfrentaron a los 46 años de edad, "sospechoso", habría "arrojó un bote de basura en ellos y luego les ordenó con un cuchillo." Cuando él les gritó que "dispararme", que lo evitó. Cuando se negaron a disparar sus armas , que se apuñaló en el pecho. Los oficiales entonces descargas de Taser el hombre con el fin de someter a él.
Entonces, ¿cuál es la diferencia entre los tres primeros escenarios y el último, aparte de la falta de oficiales de policía o de gatillo fácil excesivamente agresivas?
En última instancia, todo se reduce a la formación y rendición de cuentas.
Entonces, ¿cuál es la diferencia entre los tres primeros escenarios y el último, aparte de la falta de oficiales de policía o de gatillo fácil excesivamente agresivas?
En última instancia, todo se reduce a la formación y rendición de cuentas.
Es la diferencia entre los agentes de policía que se ubican por encima de su seguridad personal de todos los demás y los agentes de policía que entienden que sus trabajos son para servir y proteger. es la diferencia entre la policía entrenados para disparar a matar y la policía entrenados para resolver situaciones pacíficamente. Por encima de todo, es la diferencia entre la policía que creen que la ley está de su lado y policías que saben que van a ser obligados a rendir cuentas de sus actos en la misma ley que todos los demás.
Por desgracia, cada vez más la policía están siendo entrenados para ver a sí mismos como algo distinto de la ciudadanía, para ver su autoridad como superior a la ciudadanía, y para ver su vida como algo más precioso que los de sus homólogos de los ciudadanos.
En lugar de ser enseñado a verse a sí mismos como mediadores y pacificadores cuyas armas letales se van a utilizar como último recurso, que están siendo perforados en actuar como hombres armados con instintos asesinos que disparan para matar en lugar de simplemente incapacitar.Nos acercamos a un punto de ruptura . .
Esta crisis policial es mucho más inmediata y preocupante que la llamada guerra del gobierno contra el terrorismo o las drogas
Entonces ¿por qué no se esté hecho más para abordarlo? igual que lo hago en mi libro de Battlefield America: la guerra contra el pueblo estadounidense , hay demasiado dinero en juego, para uno, y demasiado poder. los responsables de esta crisis policial no son otros que los sindicatos de policía que están ayudando a los agentes de policía evadir la rendición de cuentas por la culpa; las escuelas de policía que están enseñando a los agentes de policía que sus vidas son más valiosas que las vidas de aquellos a quienes sirven; un sector militar corporativa que está haciendo su agosto con la venta de armas de uso militar, equipo, tecnología y entrenamiento táctico a las agencias de policía nacional;
una clase política que depende del apoyo y la financiación de la campaña de los poderosos sindicatos de la policía; y un estado policial que está transformando a los agentes de policía en las extensiones de los militares con el fin de extender su alcance y poder.
Esto ya no es un debate sobre los policías buenos y malos policías.
Es un tira y afloja entre la república constitucional fundadores de Estados Unidos destinados y el estado policial que nos estamos convirtiendo rápidamente. como ex jefe de policía de Seattle, Norm Stamper reconoce,
" la policía es roto.Trágicamente, se ha roto desde el comienzo mismo de la institución. se ha desarrollado como un paramilitar arreglo organizativo y burocrático, que las distancias agentes de policía de las comunidades que han sido jurado proteger y servir.
Cuando hemos portero tras disparar después de disparar que la mayoría de la gente definiría como al menos cuestionable, es el momento de buscar, no sólo a unas pocas manzanas podridas, pero el barril. y estoy convencido de que es el cañón que está podrido. Entonces, ¿cómo arreglar lo que está roto, detener los disparos sin sentido y lograr una reforma duradera?
Para empezar, parar con las tácticas de miedo.
Para empezar, parar con las tácticas de miedo.
De la misma manera que los ciudadanos americanos están siendo capullo en un clima de miedo-miedo al terrorismo, el miedo del extremismo, el miedo el uno del otro por un gobierno que sabe exactamente qué botones apretar en a fin de obtener la cooperación del público y el cumplimiento, los agentes de policía también están siendo adoctrinados con la psicología del miedo.
"Esa no es la palabra que se usa en los círculos policiales, por supuesto," explica el profesor de derecho Seth Stoughton. "Vigilante, atento, prudente, alerta o atento son los términos que aparecen con mayor frecuencia en las publicaciones de policía. Pero no se equivoquen, los oficiales no se aprende a estar alerta, atento, prudente, alerta, y observador simplemente porque es divertido.
"Esa no es la palabra que se usa en los círculos policiales, por supuesto," explica el profesor de derecho Seth Stoughton. "Vigilante, atento, prudente, alerta o atento son los términos que aparecen con mayor frecuencia en las publicaciones de policía. Pero no se equivoquen, los oficiales no se aprende a estar alerta, atento, prudente, alerta, y observador simplemente porque es divertido.
Ellos . lo hacen porque tienen miedo el miedo es omnipresente en la aplicación de la ley . ... oficiales son constantemente bombardeados con el mensaje de que que deben tener miedo, que su supervivencia depende de ello "
Escribir para la Harvard Law Review , Stoughton sigue:
Escribir para la Harvard Law Review , Stoughton sigue:
A pesar de la propaganda que se vendía por el gobierno y la policía los sindicatos, la experiencia actual de la policía menos en el puesto de trabajo muertes que nunca ha habido históricamente.
En segundo lugar, el nivel del campo de juego. La policía no son más o menos especial que usted o yo. Sus vidas no son más valioso que cualquier otro ciudadano de. Sea o no que ejercen un arma de fuego, los agentes de policía son funcionarios públicos, como todos los demás funcionarios públicos, lo que significa que ellos trabajan para nosotros. Responden a nosotros.Somos sus empleadores.
Mientras que la policía tienen derecho a toda la protección que ofrece el derecho, lo mismo que cualquier otro ciudadano, que debe no debe ejercerse ningún privilegio especial .
La mayoría de los estadounidenses, ajeno acerca de sus propios derechos, ni siquiera son conscientes de que los agentes de policía tienen sus propias Bill agentes de la autoridad 'de Derechos , que protege a los agentes de policía sean sometidas a los tipos de indignidades debilitantes amontonado sobre los oficiales ciudadano medio y otorga a la policía acusados de un crimen con los derechos y privilegios que no se proporcionó para el ciudadano medio. debido proceso especial
en tercer lugar, requieren que los agentes de policía entrenados en tácticas no letales. de acuerdo con el New York Times , una encuesta de 281 agencias de policía encontró que la media joven oficial recibió 58 horas de entrenamiento de armas de fuego y 49 horas de entrenamiento táctico defensivo, pero sólo ocho horas de entrenamiento de escalada .
De hecho, "Los regímenes de entrenamiento en casi todas las escuelas de policía de la nación siguen haciendo hincapié en ejercicios de tipo militar, incluidas las horas gastadas significativos práctica de perforación, la formación y saludando."
Si los agentes de policía están tomando clases en la forma de disparar, mutilar y matar, ¿no deberían también ser obligados a tomar parte en las técnicas anuales de apaciguamiento seminarios de enseñanza y educarlos sobre cómo respetar los derechos constitucionales de sus conciudadanos, especialmente en el marco del Primera y Cuarta Enmiendas?
Congreso se ha introducido legislación para requerir que los agentes de policía entrenados en fuerza no letal, pasar por un entrenamiento intervención en crisis para ayudar a hacer frente a los enfermos mentales, y utilizar el nivel más bajo de la fuerza posible al responder a una amenaza .
Por desgracia, los sindicatos policiales son poderosos y los políticos son codiciosos, y sigue siendo poco probable que dicha legislación será adoptada en un importante año electoral.
En cuarto lugar, deshacerse de la obsesión cuasi-militar.
Las fuerzas policiales no estan destinados a ser ejércitos permanentes.
Sin embargo, con las agencias de policía vestirse como los militares de camuflaje y armadura, entrenando con los militares, el uso de armas de guerra, montando alrededor en vehículos blindados, la contratación de veteranos militares, e incluso que cuenta con títulos militares, uno estaría en apuros para distinguir entre los dos .
Aún así, es nuestro trabajo asegurarnos de que podemos distinguir entre los dos, y que significa mantener la policía en su lugar como civiles-militares no ciudadanos-que están encargados de la protección de nuestros derechos.
En quinto lugar, desmilitarizan.
En quinto lugar, desmilitarizan.
Hay muchos ejemplos de países en los que la policía no está armado y es peligroso , y no son peores apagado para él.
De hecho, sus tasas de criminalidad son bajos y sus oficiales de policía están entrenados para ver todos los ciudadanos como algo precioso. Para todas las conversaciones entre los políticos sobre la violencia armada y la necesidad de promulgar una legislación para que sea más difícil para los estadounidenses para adquirir armas, poco se ha hecho para desmilitarizar y de-weaponize policía.
De hecho, el presidente Obama es en realidad reconsiderando su limitada prohibición de la circulación de equipos militares a la policía.
El problema no es que la policía están en peligro mayor que antes. Más bien, por vestirse como guerreros, que están actuando como guerreros y aumentando el peligro inherente en cada encuentro con la policía.
En sexto lugar, acabar con la mentalidad guerrera de la policía en favor de un enfoque de la guarda. Como explica Stoughton,
"Contraintuitivamente, la mentalidad guerrera .. . hace que la vigilancia de menos segura tanto para los oficiales y civiles ". T
ambién crea la violencia evitable al insistir en deferencia y el cumplimiento y "aumenta el riesgo de que otros agentes se enfrentan en otros encuentros."
El enfoque de la guarda, sin embargo, "prioriza el servicio sobre lucha contra el crimen ... que instruye a los oficiales de que sus interacciones con los miembros de la comunidad deben ser más que justificado legalmente, sino que también debe resultar beneficioso, justo, respetuoso y considerado.
La mentalidad tutor hace hincapié en comunicación a través de comandos , la cooperación sobre el cumplimiento y la legitimidad sobre la autoridad. y en el contexto de uso de la fuerza, el Guardián hace hincapié en la paciencia y la moderación por el control, la estabilidad de la acción. "
en séptimo lugar, dejan de producir los contribuyentes paguen por los abusos policiales. Algunas comunidades están tratando de requerir la policía para llevar a su propio seguro de responsabilidad profesional . La lógica es que si la policía tuvo que pagar de su bolsillo para su propio mal, que podría ser más cauteloso y menos inclinados a disparar primero y preguntar después.
En octavo lugar, dejar de depender de la tecnología para arreglar lo que está mal en el país. Las cámaras corporales no tienen detuvo los disparos de la policía, y ellos no siempre las cámaras se pueden activar y desactivar a voluntad, mientras que el material sigue siendo inaccesible para el público.
Un departamento de policía de Carolina del Norte está incluso probando un sistema de aprendizaje de máquina pilotoque "aprenda a detectar factores de riesgo de conducta no profesional" y luego recomendar ese oficial para la intervención temprana.
Suena muy parecido a un programa de pre-crimen, solamente dirigida a los agentes de policía, que envía sus propias señales de advertencia.
En noveno lugar, tomar una respiración profunda, porque el cambio lleva tiempo. Como se advierte Stoughton,
"Ganarse la confianza pública llevará décadas y requieren repensar cómo los oficiales están entrenados, así como las normas legales y administrativos utilizados para revisar la violencia policial. será necesario cambiar la propia cultura del trabajo policial, reafirmando que la actuación policial debe realizarse con una comunidad, no a una comunidad. " en décimo lugar, dejar de ser entrometidos y delatores.
Overcriminalization ha alimentado parcialmente la unidad de "policía" de todo, desde niños caminando a la zona de juegos solos y gallineros patio a patio delantero jardines vegetales. Pero vamos a empezar a tomar algo de responsabilidad por nuestras propias comunidades y dejar de girar cada incidente menor en una razón para llamar a la policía.
Por último, el apoyo debido proceso para todos, no sólo las personas de su círculo. Recuerde que usted ya no tiene que ser pobre, negro o culpable de ser tratado como un criminal en Estados Unidos.
Todo lo que se requiere es que perteneces a la clase sospechoso-aka-la ciudadanía del estado policial estadounidense. Como de hecho miembro de esta llamada clase criminal, todos los ciudadanos de Estados Unidos ahora es culpable hasta que se demuestre lo contrario.
Usted podría ser la siguiente persona que recibe un disparo por un oficial de policía para mover el camino equivocado durante una parada de tráfico, corriendo por el camino equivocado en las proximidades de un oficial de policía, o defenderse contra una invasión de la casa cuando la policía se presentó en el mal tratar en el medio de la noche.
Usted podría ser la siguiente persona que recibe un disparo por un oficial de policía para mover el camino equivocado durante una parada de tráfico, corriendo por el camino equivocado en las proximidades de un oficial de policía, o defenderse contra una invasión de la casa cuando la policía se presentó en el mal tratar en el medio de la noche.
La gente ha sido injustamente disparado y matado por estas razones exactas.
Así que deja de juzgar y empezar la celebración de sus funcionarios de gobierno responsables de garantizar que todos los estadounidenses se otorga el debido proceso legal, lo que significa que nadie puede ser privado de la "vida, libertad o propiedad" por un funcionario del gobierno sin ciertos procedimientos justos y legales que se siguieron.
Así que deja de juzgar y empezar la celebración de sus funcionarios de gobierno responsables de garantizar que todos los estadounidenses se otorga el debido proceso legal, lo que significa que nadie puede ser privado de la "vida, libertad o propiedad" por un funcionario del gobierno sin ciertos procedimientos justos y legales que se siguieron.
no puede haber justicia en Estados Unidos cuando los estadounidenses están siendo asesinados, detenidos y robados a punta de pistola por funcionarios del gobierno por la mera sospecha de mala conducta.
por desgracia, los estadounidenses han sido tan propaganda, politizada y polarizado que muchos se sienten obligados a tomar partido entre la defensa de la policía a toda costa o pintándolos como peligrosamente fuera de control. Nada es nunca que el blanco y negro, pero hay algunas cosas que podemos estar seguros de: Estados Unidos no es un campo de batalla.
Ciudadanos americanos no son combatientes enemigos. Y los oficiales de policía-no importa cuán valiente no-son soldados.
Ahí está el problema: hemos permitido al gobierno crear una realidad alternativa en la que la libertad es secundaria a la seguridad, y los derechos de la ciudadanía son menos importantes que la autoridad de el gobierno. De esta manera a la locura.
Cuanto más esperemos hacer estallar la burbuja en esta falsa quimera, más difícil será para volver a un momento en que la policía eran servidores públicos y la libertad en realidad significado algo, y los mayores los riesgos para los dos agentes de policía y el resto de la ciudadanía.
hay que hacer algo y pronto. el estado policial quiere que el vs. ellos nos dicotomía. Nos quiere convertir entre sí en, desconfiar unos de otros y estar en la garganta del otro, al tiempo que sigue acumulando poder.
Ahí está el problema: hemos permitido al gobierno crear una realidad alternativa en la que la libertad es secundaria a la seguridad, y los derechos de la ciudadanía son menos importantes que la autoridad de el gobierno. De esta manera a la locura.
Cuanto más esperemos hacer estallar la burbuja en esta falsa quimera, más difícil será para volver a un momento en que la policía eran servidores públicos y la libertad en realidad significado algo, y los mayores los riesgos para los dos agentes de policía y el resto de la ciudadanía.
hay que hacer algo y pronto. el estado policial quiere que el vs. ellos nos dicotomía. Nos quiere convertir entre sí en, desconfiar unos de otros y estar en la garganta del otro, al tiempo que sigue acumulando poder.
Quiere que los agentes de policía que actúan como los militares, y los ciudadanos que encogerse de miedo. Se quiere una sociedad sospechoso.
Nos quiere jugar por sus reglas en lugar de que éste rinda cuentas al estado de derecho. La mejor manera de superar el estado policial: no jugar con sus reglas. Hacer que se juegan por la nuestra en su lugar.
Any police officer who shoots to kill is playing with fire.
In that split second of deciding whether to shoot and where to aim, that officer has appointed himself judge, jury and executioner over a fellow citizen. And when an officer fires a killing shot at a fellow citizen not once or twice but three and four and five times, he is no longer a guardian of the people but is acting as a paid assassin. In so doing, he has short-circuited a legal system that was long ago established to protect against such abuses by government agents.
These are hard words, I know, but hard times call for straight talking.
We've been dancing around the issue of police shootings for too long now, but we're about to crash headlong into some harsh realities if we don't do something to ward off disaster.
You'd better get ready.
It's easy to get outraged when police wrongfully shoot children, old people and unarmed citizens watering their lawns or tending to autistic patients. It's harder to rouse the public's ire when the people getting shot and killed by police are suspected of criminal activities or armed with guns and knives. Yet both scenarios should be equally reprehensible to anyone who values human life, due process and the rule of law.
For instance, Paul O'Neal was shot in the back and killed by police as he fled after allegedly sideswiping a police car during a chase. The 18-year-old was suspected of stealing a car.
Korryn Gaines was shot and killed—and her 5-year-old son was shot—by police after Gaines resisted arrest for a traffic warrant and allegedly threatened to shoot police. Police first shot at Gaines and then opened fire when she reportedly shot back at them.
Loreal Tsingine was shot and killed by a police officer after she approached him holding a small pair of medical scissors. The 27-year-old Native American woman was suspected of shoplifting.
None of these individuals will ever have the chance to stand trial, be found guilty or serve a sentence for their alleged crimes because a police officer—in a split second—had already tried them, found them guilty and sentenced them to death.
In every one of these scenarios, police could have resorted to less lethal tactics.
They could have attempted to de-escalate and defuse the situation.
They could have acted with reason and calculation instead of reacting with a killer instinct.
That police instead chose to fatally resolve these encounters by using their guns on fellow citizens speaks volumes about what is wrong with policing in America today, where police officers are being dressed in the trappings of war, drilled in the deadly art of combat, and trained to look upon "every individual they interact with as an armed threat and every situation as a deadly force encounter in the making."
Contrast those three fatal police shootings with a police intervention that took place in my hometown of Charlottesville, Virginia.
On. Aug. 1, 2016, police responded to a call about a possible abduction of a 17-year-old girl. When they confronted the 46-year-old "suspect," he reportedly "threw a trash can at them and then charged them with a knife." When he shouted at them to "shoot me," they evaded him. When they refused to fire their guns, he stabbed himself in the chest. The officers then tasered the man in order to subdue him.
So what's the difference between the first three scenarios and the last, apart from the lack of overly aggressive policing or trigger-happy officers?
Ultimately, it comes down to training and accountability.
It's the difference between police officers who rank their personal safety above everyone else's and police officers who understand that their jobs are to serve and protect. It's the difference between police trained to shoot to kill and police trained to resolve situations peacefully. Most of all, it's the difference between police who believe the law is on their side and police who know that they will be held to account for their actions under the same law as everyone else.
Unfortunately, more and more police are being trained to view themselves as distinct from the citizenry, to view their authority as superior to the citizenry, and to view their lives as more precious than those of their citizen counterparts. Instead of being taught to see themselves as mediators and peacemakers whose lethal weapons are to be used as a last resort, they are being drilled into acting like gunmen with killer instincts who shoot to kill rather than merely incapacitate.
We're approaching a breaking point.
This policing crisis is far more immediate and concerning than the government's so-called war on terror or drugs.
So why isn't more being done to address it?
As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, there's too much money at stake, for one, and too much power.
Those responsible for this policing crisis are none other than the police unions that are helping police officers evade accountability for wrongdoing; the police academies that are teaching police officers that their lives are more valuable than the lives of those they serve; a corporate military sector that is making a killing by selling military-grade weapons, equipment, technology and tactical training to domestic police agencies; a political establishment that is dependent on campaign support and funding from the powerful police unions; and a police state that is transforming police officers into extensions of the military in order to extend its reach and power.
This is no longer a debate over good cops and bad cops.
It's a tug-of-war between the constitutional republic America's founders intended and the police state we are fast becoming.
As former Seattle police chief Norm Stamper recognizes, "Policing is broken. Tragically, it has been broken from the very beginning of the institution. It has evolved as a paramilitary, bureaucratic, organizational arrangement that distances police officers from the communities they've been sworn to protect and serve. When we have shooting after shooting after shooting that most people would define as at least questionable, it's time to look, not just at a few bad apples, but the barrel. And I'm convinced that it is the barrel that is rotted.
So how do we fix what's broken, stop the senseless shootings and bring about lasting reform?
For starters, stop with the scare tactics. In much the same way that American citizens are being cocooned in a climate of fear—fear of terrorism, fear of extremism, fear of each other—by a government that knows exactly which buttons to push in order to gain the public's cooperation and compliance, police officers are also being indoctrinated with the psychology of fear.
"That isn't the word used in law enforcement circles, of course," explains law professor Seth Stoughton. "Vigilant, attentive, cautious, alert, or observant are the terms that appear most often in police publications. But make no mistake, officers don't learn to be vigilant, attentive, cautious, alert, and observant just because it's fun. They do so because they are afraid. Fear is ubiquitous in law enforcement... officers are constantly barraged with the message that that they should be afraid, that their survival depends on it."
Writing for the Harvard Law Review, Stoughton continues:
Second, level the playing field. Police are no more or less special than you or me. Their lives are no more valuable than any other citizen's. Whether or not they wield a gun, police officers are public servants like all other government officials, which means that they work for us. They answer to us. We are their employers. While police are entitled to every protection afforded under the law, the same as any other citizen, they should not be afforded any special privileges. Most Americans, oblivious about their own rights, aren't even aware that police officers have their own Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights, which protects police officers from being subjected to the kinds of debilitating indignities heaped upon the average citizen and grants police officers accused of a crime with special due process rights and privileges not afforded to the average citizen.
Third, require that police officers be trained in non-lethal tactics. According to the New York Times, a survey of 281 police agencies found that the average young officer received 58 hours of firearms training and 49 hours of defensive tactical training, but only eight hours of de-escalation training. In fact, "The training regimens at nearly all of the nation's police academies continue to emphasize military-style exercises, including significant hours spent practicing drill, formation and saluting." If police officers are taking classes in how to shoot, maim and kill, shouldn't they also be required to take part in annual seminars teaching de-escalation techniques and educating them about how to respect their fellow citizens' constitutional rights, especially under the First and Fourth Amendments?
Congressional legislation has been introduced to require that police officers be trained in non-lethal force, go through crisis intervention training to help them deal with the mentally ill, and use the lowest level of force possible when responding to a threat. Unfortunately, the police unions are powerful and the politicians are greedy, and it remains unlikely that any such legislation will be adopted in a major election year.
Fourth, ditch the quasi-military obsession. Police forces were never intended to be standing armies. Yet with police agencies dressing like the military in camouflage and armor, training with the military, using military weapons, riding around in armored vehicles, recruiting military veterans, and even boasting military titles, one would be hard pressed to distinguish between the two. Still, it's our job to make sure that we can distinguish between the two, and that means keeping the police in their place as civilians—non-military citizens—who are entrusted with protecting our rights.
Fifth, demilitarize. There are many examples of countries where police are not armed and dangerous, and they are no worse off for it. Indeed, their crime rates are low and their police officers are trained to view every citizen as precious. For all of the talk among politicians about gun violence and the need to enact legislation to make it more difficult for Americans to acquire weapons, little is being done to demilitarize and de-weaponize police. Indeed, President Obama is actually reconsidering his limited ban on the flow of military gear to police. The problem is not that police are in any greater danger than before. Rather, by dressing as warriors, they are acting like warriors and increasing the danger inherent in every police encounter.
Sixth, do away with the police warrior mindset in favor of a guardian approach. As Stoughton explains, "Counterintuitively, the warrior mentality ... makes policing less safe for both officers and civilians." It also creates avoidable violence by insisting on deference and compliance and "increases the risk that other officers face in other encounters." The guardian approach, however, "prioritizes service over crimefighting... it instructs officers that their interactions with community members must be more than legally justified, they must also be empowering, fair, respectful, and considerate. The guardian mindset emphasizes communication over commands, cooperation over compliance, and legitimacy over authority. And in the use-of-force context, the Guardian emphasizes patience and restraint over control, stability over action."
Seventh, stop making taxpayers pay for police abuses. Some communities are trying to require police to carry their own professional liability insurance. The logic is that if police had to pay out of pocket for their own wrongdoing, they might be more cautious and less inclined to shoot first and ask questions later.
Eighth, stop relying on technology to fix what's wrong with the country. The body cameras haven't stopped the police shootings, and they won't as long the cameras can be turned on and off at will while the footage remains inaccessible to the public. One North Carolina police department is even testing out a pilot machine learning system that "learns to spot risk factors for unprofessional conduct" and then recommend that officer for early intervention. It sounds a lot like a pre-crime program, only aimed at police officers, which sends up its own warning signals.
Ninth, take a deep breath because change takes time. As Stoughton warns, "Earning public trust will take decades and require rethinking how officers are trained as well as the legal and administrative standards used to review police violence. It will require changing the very culture of policing by reaffirming that policing must be done with a community, not to a community."
Tenth, stop being busybodies and snitches. Overcriminalization has partially fueled the drive to "police" everything from kids walking to the playground alone and backyard chicken coops to front yard vegetable gardens. But let's start taking some responsibility for our own communities and stop turning every minor incident into a reason to call the police.
Finally, support due process for everyone, not just the people in your circle. Remember that you no longer have to be poor, black or guilty to be treated like a criminal in America. All that is required is that you belong to the suspect class—a.k.a. the citizenry—of the American police state. As a de facto member of this so-called criminal class, every U.S. citizen is now guilty until proven innocent.
You could be the next person who gets shot by a police officer for moving the wrong way during a traffic stop, running the wrong way in the vicinity of a police officer, or defending yourself against a home invasion when the police show up at the wrong address in the middle of the night. People have been wrongfully shot and killed for these exact reasons.
So stop judging and start holding your government officials accountable to ensuring that every American is granted due process of law, which means that no one can be deprived of "life, liberty or property" by a government official without certain fair and legal procedures being followed.
There can be no justice in America when Americans are being killed, detained and robbed at gunpoint by government officials on the mere suspicion of wrongdoing.
Unfortunately, Americans have been so propagandized, politicized and polarized that many feel compelled to choose sides between defending the police at all costs or painting them as dangerously out-of-control. Nothing is ever that black and white, but there are a few things that we can be sure of: America is not a battlefield. American citizens are not enemy combatants. And police officers—no matter how courageous—are not soldiers.
Therein lies the problem: we've allowed the government to create an alternate reality in which freedom is secondary to security, and the rights of the citizenry are less important than the authority of the government. This way lies madness.
The longer we wait to burst the bubble on this false chimera, the harder it will be to return to a time when police were public servants and freedom actually meant something, and the greater the risks to both police officers and the rest of the citizenry.
Something must be done and soon.
The police state wants the us vs. them dichotomy. It wants us to turn each other in, distrust each other and be at each other's throats, while it continues amassing power. It wants police officers who act like the military, and citizens who cower in fear. It wants a suspect society. It wants us to play by its rules instead of holding it accountable to the rule of law.
The best way to beat the police state: don't play by their rules.
Make them play by ours instead.
In that split second of deciding whether to shoot and where to aim, that officer has appointed himself judge, jury and executioner over a fellow citizen. And when an officer fires a killing shot at a fellow citizen not once or twice but three and four and five times, he is no longer a guardian of the people but is acting as a paid assassin. In so doing, he has short-circuited a legal system that was long ago established to protect against such abuses by government agents.
These are hard words, I know, but hard times call for straight talking.
We've been dancing around the issue of police shootings for too long now, but we're about to crash headlong into some harsh realities if we don't do something to ward off disaster.
You'd better get ready.
It's easy to get outraged when police wrongfully shoot children, old people and unarmed citizens watering their lawns or tending to autistic patients. It's harder to rouse the public's ire when the people getting shot and killed by police are suspected of criminal activities or armed with guns and knives. Yet both scenarios should be equally reprehensible to anyone who values human life, due process and the rule of law.
For instance, Paul O'Neal was shot in the back and killed by police as he fled after allegedly sideswiping a police car during a chase. The 18-year-old was suspected of stealing a car.
Korryn Gaines was shot and killed—and her 5-year-old son was shot—by police after Gaines resisted arrest for a traffic warrant and allegedly threatened to shoot police. Police first shot at Gaines and then opened fire when she reportedly shot back at them.
Loreal Tsingine was shot and killed by a police officer after she approached him holding a small pair of medical scissors. The 27-year-old Native American woman was suspected of shoplifting.
None of these individuals will ever have the chance to stand trial, be found guilty or serve a sentence for their alleged crimes because a police officer—in a split second—had already tried them, found them guilty and sentenced them to death.
In every one of these scenarios, police could have resorted to less lethal tactics.
They could have attempted to de-escalate and defuse the situation.
They could have acted with reason and calculation instead of reacting with a killer instinct.
That police instead chose to fatally resolve these encounters by using their guns on fellow citizens speaks volumes about what is wrong with policing in America today, where police officers are being dressed in the trappings of war, drilled in the deadly art of combat, and trained to look upon "every individual they interact with as an armed threat and every situation as a deadly force encounter in the making."
Contrast those three fatal police shootings with a police intervention that took place in my hometown of Charlottesville, Virginia.
On. Aug. 1, 2016, police responded to a call about a possible abduction of a 17-year-old girl. When they confronted the 46-year-old "suspect," he reportedly "threw a trash can at them and then charged them with a knife." When he shouted at them to "shoot me," they evaded him. When they refused to fire their guns, he stabbed himself in the chest. The officers then tasered the man in order to subdue him.
So what's the difference between the first three scenarios and the last, apart from the lack of overly aggressive policing or trigger-happy officers?
Ultimately, it comes down to training and accountability.
It's the difference between police officers who rank their personal safety above everyone else's and police officers who understand that their jobs are to serve and protect. It's the difference between police trained to shoot to kill and police trained to resolve situations peacefully. Most of all, it's the difference between police who believe the law is on their side and police who know that they will be held to account for their actions under the same law as everyone else.
Unfortunately, more and more police are being trained to view themselves as distinct from the citizenry, to view their authority as superior to the citizenry, and to view their lives as more precious than those of their citizen counterparts. Instead of being taught to see themselves as mediators and peacemakers whose lethal weapons are to be used as a last resort, they are being drilled into acting like gunmen with killer instincts who shoot to kill rather than merely incapacitate.
We're approaching a breaking point.
This policing crisis is far more immediate and concerning than the government's so-called war on terror or drugs.
So why isn't more being done to address it?
As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, there's too much money at stake, for one, and too much power.
Those responsible for this policing crisis are none other than the police unions that are helping police officers evade accountability for wrongdoing; the police academies that are teaching police officers that their lives are more valuable than the lives of those they serve; a corporate military sector that is making a killing by selling military-grade weapons, equipment, technology and tactical training to domestic police agencies; a political establishment that is dependent on campaign support and funding from the powerful police unions; and a police state that is transforming police officers into extensions of the military in order to extend its reach and power.
This is no longer a debate over good cops and bad cops.
It's a tug-of-war between the constitutional republic America's founders intended and the police state we are fast becoming.
As former Seattle police chief Norm Stamper recognizes, "Policing is broken. Tragically, it has been broken from the very beginning of the institution. It has evolved as a paramilitary, bureaucratic, organizational arrangement that distances police officers from the communities they've been sworn to protect and serve. When we have shooting after shooting after shooting that most people would define as at least questionable, it's time to look, not just at a few bad apples, but the barrel. And I'm convinced that it is the barrel that is rotted.
So how do we fix what's broken, stop the senseless shootings and bring about lasting reform?
For starters, stop with the scare tactics. In much the same way that American citizens are being cocooned in a climate of fear—fear of terrorism, fear of extremism, fear of each other—by a government that knows exactly which buttons to push in order to gain the public's cooperation and compliance, police officers are also being indoctrinated with the psychology of fear.
"That isn't the word used in law enforcement circles, of course," explains law professor Seth Stoughton. "Vigilant, attentive, cautious, alert, or observant are the terms that appear most often in police publications. But make no mistake, officers don't learn to be vigilant, attentive, cautious, alert, and observant just because it's fun. They do so because they are afraid. Fear is ubiquitous in law enforcement... officers are constantly barraged with the message that that they should be afraid, that their survival depends on it."
Writing for the Harvard Law Review, Stoughton continues:
Despite the propaganda being peddled by the government and police unions, police today experience less on-the-job fatalities than they ever have historically.
Second, level the playing field. Police are no more or less special than you or me. Their lives are no more valuable than any other citizen's. Whether or not they wield a gun, police officers are public servants like all other government officials, which means that they work for us. They answer to us. We are their employers. While police are entitled to every protection afforded under the law, the same as any other citizen, they should not be afforded any special privileges. Most Americans, oblivious about their own rights, aren't even aware that police officers have their own Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights, which protects police officers from being subjected to the kinds of debilitating indignities heaped upon the average citizen and grants police officers accused of a crime with special due process rights and privileges not afforded to the average citizen.
Third, require that police officers be trained in non-lethal tactics. According to the New York Times, a survey of 281 police agencies found that the average young officer received 58 hours of firearms training and 49 hours of defensive tactical training, but only eight hours of de-escalation training. In fact, "The training regimens at nearly all of the nation's police academies continue to emphasize military-style exercises, including significant hours spent practicing drill, formation and saluting." If police officers are taking classes in how to shoot, maim and kill, shouldn't they also be required to take part in annual seminars teaching de-escalation techniques and educating them about how to respect their fellow citizens' constitutional rights, especially under the First and Fourth Amendments?
Congressional legislation has been introduced to require that police officers be trained in non-lethal force, go through crisis intervention training to help them deal with the mentally ill, and use the lowest level of force possible when responding to a threat. Unfortunately, the police unions are powerful and the politicians are greedy, and it remains unlikely that any such legislation will be adopted in a major election year.
Fourth, ditch the quasi-military obsession. Police forces were never intended to be standing armies. Yet with police agencies dressing like the military in camouflage and armor, training with the military, using military weapons, riding around in armored vehicles, recruiting military veterans, and even boasting military titles, one would be hard pressed to distinguish between the two. Still, it's our job to make sure that we can distinguish between the two, and that means keeping the police in their place as civilians—non-military citizens—who are entrusted with protecting our rights.
Fifth, demilitarize. There are many examples of countries where police are not armed and dangerous, and they are no worse off for it. Indeed, their crime rates are low and their police officers are trained to view every citizen as precious. For all of the talk among politicians about gun violence and the need to enact legislation to make it more difficult for Americans to acquire weapons, little is being done to demilitarize and de-weaponize police. Indeed, President Obama is actually reconsidering his limited ban on the flow of military gear to police. The problem is not that police are in any greater danger than before. Rather, by dressing as warriors, they are acting like warriors and increasing the danger inherent in every police encounter.
Sixth, do away with the police warrior mindset in favor of a guardian approach. As Stoughton explains, "Counterintuitively, the warrior mentality ... makes policing less safe for both officers and civilians." It also creates avoidable violence by insisting on deference and compliance and "increases the risk that other officers face in other encounters." The guardian approach, however, "prioritizes service over crimefighting... it instructs officers that their interactions with community members must be more than legally justified, they must also be empowering, fair, respectful, and considerate. The guardian mindset emphasizes communication over commands, cooperation over compliance, and legitimacy over authority. And in the use-of-force context, the Guardian emphasizes patience and restraint over control, stability over action."
Seventh, stop making taxpayers pay for police abuses. Some communities are trying to require police to carry their own professional liability insurance. The logic is that if police had to pay out of pocket for their own wrongdoing, they might be more cautious and less inclined to shoot first and ask questions later.
Eighth, stop relying on technology to fix what's wrong with the country. The body cameras haven't stopped the police shootings, and they won't as long the cameras can be turned on and off at will while the footage remains inaccessible to the public. One North Carolina police department is even testing out a pilot machine learning system that "learns to spot risk factors for unprofessional conduct" and then recommend that officer for early intervention. It sounds a lot like a pre-crime program, only aimed at police officers, which sends up its own warning signals.
Ninth, take a deep breath because change takes time. As Stoughton warns, "Earning public trust will take decades and require rethinking how officers are trained as well as the legal and administrative standards used to review police violence. It will require changing the very culture of policing by reaffirming that policing must be done with a community, not to a community."
Tenth, stop being busybodies and snitches. Overcriminalization has partially fueled the drive to "police" everything from kids walking to the playground alone and backyard chicken coops to front yard vegetable gardens. But let's start taking some responsibility for our own communities and stop turning every minor incident into a reason to call the police.
Finally, support due process for everyone, not just the people in your circle. Remember that you no longer have to be poor, black or guilty to be treated like a criminal in America. All that is required is that you belong to the suspect class—a.k.a. the citizenry—of the American police state. As a de facto member of this so-called criminal class, every U.S. citizen is now guilty until proven innocent.
You could be the next person who gets shot by a police officer for moving the wrong way during a traffic stop, running the wrong way in the vicinity of a police officer, or defending yourself against a home invasion when the police show up at the wrong address in the middle of the night. People have been wrongfully shot and killed for these exact reasons.
So stop judging and start holding your government officials accountable to ensuring that every American is granted due process of law, which means that no one can be deprived of "life, liberty or property" by a government official without certain fair and legal procedures being followed.
There can be no justice in America when Americans are being killed, detained and robbed at gunpoint by government officials on the mere suspicion of wrongdoing.
Unfortunately, Americans have been so propagandized, politicized and polarized that many feel compelled to choose sides between defending the police at all costs or painting them as dangerously out-of-control. Nothing is ever that black and white, but there are a few things that we can be sure of: America is not a battlefield. American citizens are not enemy combatants. And police officers—no matter how courageous—are not soldiers.
Therein lies the problem: we've allowed the government to create an alternate reality in which freedom is secondary to security, and the rights of the citizenry are less important than the authority of the government. This way lies madness.
The longer we wait to burst the bubble on this false chimera, the harder it will be to return to a time when police were public servants and freedom actually meant something, and the greater the risks to both police officers and the rest of the citizenry.
Something must be done and soon.
The police state wants the us vs. them dichotomy. It wants us to turn each other in, distrust each other and be at each other's throats, while it continues amassing power. It wants police officers who act like the military, and citizens who cower in fear. It wants a suspect society. It wants us to play by its rules instead of holding it accountable to the rule of law.
The best way to beat the police state: don't play by their rules.
Make them play by ours instead.
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