
ISIS declara la guerra a Palestina:
Mataremos a los palestinos“uno por uno
Se ve que el mundo ya no quiere saber nada del destino de Palestina y los palestinos.
Los que quedan en tierra palestina les queda poco tiempo, pues serán asesinados por las ordas disfrazadas de Israel en versión ISIS; así lo han advertido.
No dedico muchas palabras porque todo el mundo conoce la situación. Los pro isralíes quieren obviar la situación, y los palestinos ya no tienen siquiera voz en el mundo.
No queda ningún país del mundo que les saque la cara.
Los gobiernos de todo el mundo están manejados por el sionismo y solo resta el silencio, la exterminación sin campos, en las mismas franjas acotadas en su día por Inglaterra.
Ya sabemos que la Organización para la Liberación de Palestina, la ONU, y los tribunales internacionales son organismos sionistas y no cabe la esperanza.
En los próximos meses concluirá la eliminación por exterminación en campos palestinos, en sus franjas.
Detrás se esconde una estrategia de provocación a Irán para que les ataque y así justificar la guerra nuclear en la que Israel usaría sus Dolphins nucleares regalado por Merkel, y bombas sucias de restos de la central de Dimona.

Soldados de Hamas en una cárcel para soldados israelíes.


Nous sommes la Haya. Y decidimos a quién juzgar. Damos trato especial a los detenidos. Les detenemos, les despojamos de todos sus derechos y luego desaparecen.
Hasta los niños judíos yemenies desaparecen, dicen que en Europa. Y el mundo ni pío, mientras manejamos Bruselas con nuestros poderosísimos lobbies y acallamos las voces políticas colocando a los adecuados.
Además recibimos ayudas y subvenciones de todo el mundo para nuestros gastos en investigación y desarrollo de tecnología y armas. Somos los mejores, goyims, seguid trabajando para nosotros. ¿A quién le importan cuatro desgraciados?, y si les importa lo arreglamos.

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ISIS ha declarado la guerra a Palestina, amenazando con genocidio al pueblo palestino, tras el asesinato del principal comandante de Hamas, Saber Siam, el domingo. |
ISIS declara la guerra a Palestina: Mataremos a los palestinos “uno por uno”
25 Marzo 2017
Los militantes de ISIS dijeron que Siam fue asesinado debido al hecho de que era “un socio en una guerra declarada contra la religión y contra los musulmanes, trabajando para el gobierno herético en Gaza”.
El ataque fue conducido por rebeldes salafistas afiliados a ISIS, que también han advertido a los residentes locales que se mantengan alejados de las oficinas y edificios de Hamas, ya que planea llevar a cabo más ataques.
El conflicto entre ISIS y Hamas en Gaza comenzó cuando las fuerzas palestinas demolieron una mezquita improvisada usada por Ansar al-Bayt al-Maqdis a principios de mayo.
Ansar al-Bayt al-Maqdis es un grupo islámico egipcio que ha prometido lealtad al ISIS y ha estado reclutando a palestinos para el Estado islámico.
Después de demoler la mezquita de Almtahabin, Hamas arrestó a siete hombres, incluido un Sheij salafista local, Yasser Abu Houli.
ISIS afirma que va a matar a los palestinos “uno por uno” y que sabe los nombres y direcciones de todos los oficiales que trabajan para la agencia de inteligencia palestina.
ISIS is a US-Israeli Creation. Top Ten “Indications”
ISIS is a US-Israeli creation, a fact as clear as the sky is blue. It’s a truth as black and white as the colors on their flag. For many alternative news readers, this may be patently obvious, but this article is written for the large majority of people in the world who still have no idea who is really behind the rise of ISIS. No matter which name they go by – ISIS, ISIL, IS or Daesh – the group has been deliberately engineered by the US and Israel to achieve certain geopolitical goals. They are a religious, fundamentalist, Sunni terrorist organization created to terrorize and overthrow certain secular or Shiite Arab nations such as Syria and Iraq, but they are not just “Islamic”. They may be Muslims, and they may be advocating an Islamic State, but they are very much working towards the goals of Zionism.
It’s amazing how many people still struggle to get that point. We have been inundated with propaganda surrounding the fraudulent war on terror, notably terms such as Islamic terrorism and radical Islam, but more accurate phrases would be Zio-Islamic terrorism and radical Zio-Islam. Secret military agencies such as the CIA and the Mossad pull the strings. Here is a list of the top 10 ‘indications’ thatISIS is a US-Israeli creation.
ISIS is a US-Israeli Creation: Indication #1: ISIS Foreknowledge via Leaked DIA Doc
The DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) is 1 of 16 US military intelligence agencies. According to a leaked document obtained by Judicial Watch, the DIA wrote on August 12, 2012 that:
“there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist Principality in eastern Syria (Hasaka and Der Zor), and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime …”
This was written before ISIS came on to the world stage. Clearly ISIS was no random uprising, but rather a carefully groomed and orchestrated controlled opposition group.
The “supporting powers to the opposition” referred to are Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the GCC nations such as Qatar, who are in turn being supported by the US-UK-Israeli axis in their struggle to overthrow Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad. As I outlined in this article Syrian Ground War About to Begin? WW3 Inches Closer, the US is backing the Sunni nations while Russia, China and Iran are backing the Shia nations, so there is the definite potential for this to erupt into World War 3. Below are screenshots of the actual DIA document:
ISIS is a US-Israeli Creation: Indication #2: ISIS Never Attacks Israel
It is more than highly strange and suspicious that ISIS never attacks Israel – it is another indication that ISIS is controlled by Israel. If ISIS were a genuine and independent uprising that was not covertly orchestrated by the US and Israel, why would they not try to attack the Zionist regime, which has attacked almost of all of its Muslim neighbors ever since its inception in 1948? Israel has attacked Egypt, Syria and Lebanon, and of course has decimated Palestine. It has systemically tried to divide and conquer its Arab neighbors. It continually complains of Islamic terrorism. Yet, when ISIS comes on the scene as the bloody and barbaric king of Islamic terrorism, it finds no fault with Israel and sees no reason to target a regime which has perpetrated massive injustice against Muslims? This stretches credibility to a snapping point.
ISIS and Israel don’t attack each other – they help each other. Israel was treating ISIS soldiers and other anti-Assad rebels in its hospitals! Mortal enemies or best of friends?
ISIS is a US-Israeli Creation: Indication #3: Toyota Trucks
Where did ISIS get an entire fleet of matching Toyota pick-up trucks? Why do so many of its photo shots feature a fleet of matching Toyotas – matching in both model and color? As this Information Clearing House article humorously states:
“The official story is ISIS stole them from the “Good Terrorists” (Al Nusra), who were originally given their cool wheels by the US government. Which would seem to beg a couple of enquiries. Not least of which is – why are the US giving any terrorists matching fleets of luxury SUVs? And for that matter, how many fleets are we talking about?So, exactly how many trucks did the US supply? Where are ISIS currently garaging this impressive collection? And why do they all have to be Toyotas? Is it a terrorist thing, or simply a US Govt preference? Do Toyota mind the brand-association? Or the fact that so many of the ISIS drive-by photo-ops look like perverted car ads?”
Some of these trucks were actually used vehicles that got sent from the US and Canada over to Syria. This Texan plumber discovered to his horror that his old truck was being used in the war, replete with his business name still on the door!
ISIS is a US-Israeli Creation: Indication #4: ISIS’ First Class Social Media Skills
The issue of the Toyotas leads us to the next question about ISIS. Who’s handling their publicity? How have they managed to get so many photos of Toyota truck drive bys? How have they managed to master Western social media so well to spread their message, propaganda and threats? How have they managed to produce slick videos depicting (fake) beheadings? How does a barbaric group of killers, who speak a language very different to English, who espouse fundamentalist, religious ideals (such as Sharia law), and often criticize all things Western, manage to develop such excellent social media skills?
ISIS is a US-Israeli Creation: Indication #5: Israeli Group SITE First to Release ISIS Footage
Another key giveaway that ISIS is a US-Israeli creation is that the Israeli group SITE (Search for International Terrorist Entities) are often the first to find and publicly release the video (as their co-founder Rita Katz has let slip on occasion). SITE was involved in the slew of fake green screen ISIS beheadings of 2014. Speaking of fake beheadhings, why did this fictional Turkish TV drama show a beheading just like that of ISIS?
ISIS is a US-Israeli Creation: Indication #6: ISIS Leader Baghdadi a Mossad Agent
Although this indication is hard to confirm, there were reports apparently originating from Edward Snowden that the leader of ISIS (Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi) was actually an Israeli Mossad agent by the name of Simon Elliot or Elliot Shimon: [GR Editor’s note: this source and quotation are yet to be fully verified, including the source originating from Eduard Snowden]
“Simon Elliot (Elliot Shimon) aka Al-Baghdadi was born of two Jewish parents and is a Mossad agent. We offer below three translations that want to assert that the Caliph Al-Baghdadi is a full Mossad agent and that he was born Jewish father and mother:The real name of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is “Simon Elliott.” The so-called “Elliot” was recruited by the Israeli Mossad and was trained in espionage and psychological warfare against Arab and Islamic societies. This information was attributed to Edward Snowden …”
Bashar Assad, President of Syria. The US has been actively plotting strategies to destabilize and overthrow his government.
ISIS is a US-Israeli Creation: Indication #7: Leaked Cables Showing US Plotting Syrian Overthrow
Julian Assange of Wikileaks did a great job in capturing information about what was happening in Syria years before the “Arab springs” and current war started in 2011. He reveals how William Roebuck, then chargé d’affaires at the US embassy in Damascus, was plotting to destablize the Syrian government. The following quotes from Roebuck’s cables to Washington show how he was outlining the vulnerabilities of Assad:
“– Vulnerability:— THE ALLIANCE WITH TEHRAN: Bashar is walking a fine line in his increasingly strong relations with Iran, seeking necessary support while not completely alienating Syria,s moderate Sunni Arab neighbors by being perceived as aiding Persian and fundamentalist Shia interests. Bashar’s decision to not attend the Talabani ) Ahmadinejad summit in Tehran following FM Moallem,s trip to Iraq can be seen as a manifestation of Bashar’s sensitivity to the Arab optic on his Iranian alliance.— Possible action:— PLAY ON SUNNI FEARS OF IRANIAN INFLUENCE: There are fears in Syria that the Iranians are active in both Shia proselytizing and conversion of, mostly poor, Sunnis. Though often exaggerated, such fears reflect an element of the Sunni community in Syria that is increasingly upset by and focused on the spread of Iranian influence in their country through activities ranging from mosque construction to business. Both the local Egyptian and Saudi missions here, (as well as prominent Syrian Sunni religious leaders), are giving increasing attention to the matter and we should coordinate more closely with their governments on ways to better publicize and focus regional attention on the issue.”
ISIS is a US-Israeli Creation: Indication #8: Russia Bombs ISIS, US Protects ISIS
Before Russia militarily entered Syria, the US claims it was “attacking” ISIS, yet Russia was able to do in a few months what the US has been unable to do for years. Why? Is the US military that incompetent, or this is further proof that the US has been funding and supporting ISIS all this time? At one point there were even reports that US soldiers were told not to fire on ISIS targets, even if they had a clear view of them, as this Free Beacon article reports:
“U.S. military pilots who have returned from the fight against the Islamic State in Iraq are confirming that they were blocked from dropping 75 percent of their ordnance on terror targets because they could not get clearance to launch a strike, according to a leading member of Congress.”
Why did US State Department spokesman Mark Toner struggle to celebrate the fact that ISIS had lost Palmyra recently?
ISIS is a US-Israeli Creation: Indication #9: ISIS Always the Excuse for Further Intervention
Finally, consider this: why is ISIS always the perfect excuse for further military intervention in Syria? Given the history of foreign meddling in Syria, particularly by the US and Israel in the last 70 years, isn’t it rather convenient that the specter of ISIS is the justification offered for proposed no-fly zones, air strikes and ground troops? How would the US and Israel conquer the Middle East without their pet Frankenstein ISIS?
Share this article with those who haven’t yet awoken to the truth about ISIS. Many have already seen through the propaganda. Once enough of us do, the usefulness of this ridiculous, dangerous and vaudevillian terrorist group will expire – and maybe a critical mass of people will pull back the curtain and, for once, get a glimpse of the true puppetmasters.
Concluding Note
ISIS is a US-Israeli Creation: Indication #10: ISIS is an Acronym for Mossad. [The Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. Interesting Coincidence]
ISIS itself is an acronym, not just for Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, but for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service! This is another way to describe the Mossad, the shady Zionist spy agency whose motto is “by way of deception, thou shalt do war”. In this video (below), the 2 authors being interviewed (Dan Raviv and Yossi Melman) admit that the acronym ISIS = Mossad.
Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative news / independent media site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at ToolsForFreedom.com (FaceBook here), writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the worldwide conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance.
Minor Editing by Global Research
- *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYONiyG-CZk
- http://www.judicialwatch.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Pg.-291-Pgs.-287-293-JW-v-DOD-and-State-14-812-DOD-Release-2015-04-10-final-version11.pdf
- http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=0bc_1448229854
- http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article43085.htm
- http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/culturehousedaily/2014/09/the-four-wheel-drive-is-to-isis-what-the-longbow-was-to-the-english-at-agincourt/
- http://www.pri.org/stories/2015-12-15/how-texas-plumbers-truck-wound-isis-hands
- http://www.activistpost.com/2014/09/probing-site-intelligence-group.html
- *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aNUm0Z_lXs
- https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/06DAMASCUS5399_a.html
- *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxs7yog_CjM
- http://freebeacon.com/national-security/us-pilots-confirm-obama-admin-blocks-75-percent-of-isis-strikes/
- *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnjnJvQXPz
The original source of this article is The Freedom Articles
Copyright © Makia Freeman, The Freedom Articles, 2016
- Ver original
- marzo 25º, 2017
Confirmación a lo que os anticipaba hace pocos días: la contraofensiva terrorista en Siria ha sido organizada por Israel como medida defensiva ante los planes de Hezbolá de tomar los Altos del Golán. Un ex ministro israelí lo ha admitido abiertamente: ellos dan las órdenes a los terroristas.
- Ver original
- marzo 25º, 2017
Confirmación a lo que os anticipaba hace pocos días: la contraofensiva terrorista en Siria ha sido organizada por Israel como medida defensiva ante los planes de Hezbolá de tomar los Altos del Golán. Un ex ministro israelí lo ha admitido abiertamente: ellos dan las órdenes a los terroristas.
Senior Iran Official:
Israel's Mossad Created ISIS
ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi: A Mossad pawn? AFP
The Islamic State group is the creation of Israel's Mossad, Iran's deputy foreign minister said Tuesday, accusing the spy agency of aiming to "tarnish the image of Islam," the Iranian news outlet Fars reported.

Hossein Amir Abdollahian's statements were in some contrast with previous allegations made by Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, who said that Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, was actually created by the U.S. and Britain.
The Iranian deputy foreign minister did toe the line, however, by blasting the U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State, and saying the West and their regional allies use the militant group in order to promote Islamophobia.
"Unfortunately, these states are playing with the security of the region and the world by using terrorism," Amir Abdollahian said in a meeting with Norwegian Foreign Minister Borge Brende in Tehran on Sunday, Fars reported.
This is not the first time an Iranian senior official has pointed a finger at Israel for supposedly standing behind Islamic State, which controls large swathes of Syria and Iraq. In October, former Minister of Intelligence Heydar Moslehi said the group was created by a "triangle of Mossad, MI6, and the CIA."
As mentioned earlier, Khamenei himself surfaced similar theories, albeit not involving Israel, accusing Washington and the "wicked government of Britain" of creating the group in order to sow dissent between Sunnis and Shi'ites.
The supreme ayatollah's comments could be perceived, however, as a response to British Prime Minister David Cameron, who suggested in the United Nations in September that Iran "is part of the problem" in the Middle East.
According to Time magazine, the inception of the conspiracy theories may lie with a July report by the Iranian news agency IRNA, which cited NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden as purportedly saying that the U.S. and Israel hatched a joint plan to create a "terrorist organization capable of centralizing all extremist actions across the world."
The aim of the plan, Snowden purportedly said, was to protect Israel by diverting attention to the new threat of Islamic State.
The Time said that no shred of evidence can be found in Snowden's leaked intelligence files of the "Beehive" plot, as it was called in the IRNA report. However, Iranian officials and analysts have since repeatedly cited the interview as definite proof of Israeli and U.S. complicity in Islamic State.
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Khamenei blames U.S., Zionism, and 'wicked' U.K. for creating Islamic State
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