
martes, 8 de noviembre de 2016

Trump gana a Hillary en el estado (adelantado) de New Hampshire:

Trump gana a Hillary en el estado (adelantado) de New Hampshire: 56-43%

Midnight Voting Complete in New Hampshire!  Trump 56.1%  Clinton 43.9%
Al parecer, las pequeñas poblaciones de ese estado tienen la costumbre de adelantarse al resto del país al ir a votar, y ya se tienen sondeos de cómo ha ido la votación: 56% para Trump, 43% para Hillary, cuando Obama ganó ese estado en la última ocasión. 

Several tiny towns in northern New Hampshire have a tradition of opening their polling places at Midnight on Election day so their communities can vote "first" in America.  
The results are in:

Donald Trump 32 votes

Hillary Clinton 23 votes.

Statistically that is 56.1% for Trump and only 43.9% for Clinton.

To put these vote totals in better perspective, in the 2012 election between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, the vote tally at this point was:

This shows that right now, Donald Trump is defeating Hillary Clinton by a MUCH larger margin than Obama defeated Romney in 2012.

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