
martes, 15 de diciembre de 2015

INCREIBLE - Arabia Saudí, pais que financia y arma a ISIS, liderará una alianza islámica contra el terrorismo

Miembros del Estado Islámico. | EP
Miembros del Estado Islámico. | EP

Arabia Saudí liderará una alianza islámica contra el terrorismo

La nueva coalición se sumará a la liderada por Estados Unidos que desde verano de 2014 combate en Irak y Siria contra el Estado Islámico. Irán ha quedado excluida de la alianza
Arabia Saudí ha anunciado la creación de una alianza militar para luchar contra el terrorismo del ISIS y "cualquier grupo terrorista que haya enfrente". 
Así lo ha asegurado este lunes el ministro de Defensa, Mohammed bin Salman, quien también ha apuntado que la campaña se coordinará con los esfuerzos llevados a cabo para combatir el terrorismo en Irak, Siria, Libia, Egipto y Afganistán. Irán ha quedado exluida de la coalición internacional que liderará Riad frente al terror.
La coalición que encabeza el reino suní se ha fraguado en las últimas 72 horas yestará integrada por 34 países islámicos para luchar contra el terrorismo.
El objetivo es dicha alianza es el de "proteger a la nación islámica de la maldad de todos los grupos y las organizaciones terroristas, cualquiera que sea su secta y su nombre, que extienden la muerte y la corrupción por el mundo para aterrorizar a los inocentes", ha asegurado Riad en un comunicado difundido en la agencia de noticias .
La nueva alianza estará integrada por países de mayoría suní, la rama mayoritaria del islam cuyo liderazgo radica en Arabia Saudí. 
Por el momento han confirmado su participación Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahréin, Yemen, Turquía, Jordania, Líbano, Palestina, Libia,Egipto, Túnez, Marruecos, Mauritania, Somalia, Yibuti, Nigeria, Níger, Malí, Chad, Benin, Togo, Gabón, Guinea, Sudán, Senegal, Sierra Leona, Costa de Marfil, Comoras, Maldivas, Malasia, Bangladesh y Pakistán.
Así las cosas, esta coalición islámica se sumará a la liderada por Estados Unidos que desde verano de 2014 opera en Irak y Siria contra el Estado Islámico, así como a la campaña de bombardeos iniciada el 30 de septiembre por Rusia en suelo sirio. 

Arabia Saudí encabeza además una coalición internacional que combate a los rebeldes chiíes huthis en Yemen, que cuentan con el respaldo de unidades del Ejército leales al expresidente Alí Abdulá Salé.


Saudi Arabia Creates “Pro-ISIS Block” to “Fight Terrorism”. The State Sponsors of Terrorism Indulge in “Counter-Terrorism”

Saudi Arabia and Turkey are key US allies, fostering endless Middle East wars,
They’re involved in recruiting and directly aiding ISIS and other takfiri terrorists throughout the region – mainly in Syria and Iraq, now beginning to establish a foothold in war-torn, chaotic Libya, with elements in Yemen and elsewhere.
Riyadh wants more regional power along with control over oil reserves outside its borders. Together with Washington and other partners, it’s using ISIS and other terrorist groups to advance its objectives, not oppose a universal scourge.
It’s so-called new 34-nation “Islamic military alliance” against terrorism is a laughable on its face, a deceptive PR hoax. It named the following nations as partners:
Bahrain, Bangladesh, Benin, Chad, Djibouti, Egypt, Gabon, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Pakistan, Palestine, Nigeria, Qatar, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Togo, Turkey, Tunisia, UAE and Yemen along with its own regime.
A Saudi-controlled news agency said “(t)he countries here mentioned have decided on the formation of a military alliance led by Saudi Arabia to fight terrorism, with a joint operations centre based in Riyadh to coordinate and support military operations.”
Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Jordan, Libya and Yemeni territory controlled by US-installed puppet Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi are part of the problem, not the solution. Other countries listed aren’t involved in US-led regional war OF terrorism, at least not enough to matter.
Riyadh claiming the so-called coalition has “a duty to protect the Islamic nation from the evils of all terrorist groups and organizations whatever their sect and name which wreak death and corruption on earth and aim to terrorize the innocent” is pure propaganda, ignoring its central role in creating, financing and fostering regional terrorism.
The only nations combating it are Syria, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon’s Hezbollah and Russia. Washington, its imperial NATO partners, Israel, and other regional rogue states support what they claim to oppose.
America’s so-called 65-nation anti-terrorism coalition is pure fiction. US air and ground forces along with Britain, France, Germany, Canada, Israel and Australia are attacking Syrian and Iraqi sites, not ISIS or other terrorists.
Turkey is striking Syrian and Iraqi Kurds on the pretext of combating ISIS, perhaps government targets in both countries along with Washington and other rogue coalition partners.
Last week, Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova minced no words, saying “(w)e can state the (US-led) coalition is simulating the fight against ISIS and real terrorism and acts on its own politicized approach to the situation, which runs counter to international law, at least in Syria.”
“Now we can see that (this continues) not only (against the Assad’s government). As is known, the inactivity of the actions of (Washington’s phantom) coalition was distinctly confirmed by the growing ISIS problem.”
During over a year of illegal US bombing of Syria, terrorist groups made substantial territorial gains. Their oil smuggling and other illicit operations flourished – protected, not attacked by America.
In early December, Russia’s General Staff Lt. Gen. Sergey Rudskoy cited clear evidence, showing US-led bombing in Syria isn’t striking ISIS targets, notably permitting its oil smuggling cross-border to Turkey to operate freely.
In contrast, Russia is waging real war on terrorism in Syria, making a strategic difference on the ground. Key is cutting off these groups’ sources of funding, especially from illicit oil sales, complicit with Turkey, permitted by Washington to continue despite claims otherwise.
Moscow so far unsuccessfully urged the formation of a global coalition against terrorism, mainly with America and other Western countries, – involved for a common purpose, defeating the scourge of terrorism, not possible with US-led Western and rogue regional support.
Riyadh’s announced phony Islamic military alliance against terrorism followed its failed December 8 – 10 anti-Assad conference – attended by regional rogue states and notorious terrorist groups, including ISIS.
Along with Washington and rogue partners, Saudi rulers want Assad ousted, Hezbollah neutralized and Iran isolated. Russia’s all-out efforts for regional peace have no chance to succeed as long as US-led Assad enemies want escalated aggression to oust him illegally.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 
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